What is Savasana? (Shah-vah-sah-nah) Savasana or Corpse Pose is the final pose of your yoga practice and while it may be one of the most important poses it can, for many, be one of the most challenging. All poses done in your asana practice prepare you for this final pose which can range in length from 10-20 minutes, however even 5 minutes of Savasana can bring positive benefits. Its Sanskrit name translates to Corpse Pose as Sava means Corpse. In traditional mat yoga, you are lying on your back on your mat in a very still, resting pose with your legs/arms spread out comfortably. It is the time where you close your eyes, shut your mind down and relax, unwind and be still in the moment. When you lay motionless while keeping your mind still, it forces you to relax. The more you practice this pose the easier it gets. Common Challenges of Savasana By the end of your practice your body and mind should be ‘tired’ enough to sufficiently relax for Savasana. While it may not seem like it, you do exert quite a bit of energy moving from pose to pose. However, even with the best intentions it can be difficult to shut out the day’s events or responsibilities on your mind for the rest of the week. Some common challenges of getting the most out of Savasana include:
It’s normal for the mind to wander, but with practice and a little patience with yourself you can begin to quiet the mind in order to gain the full benefits of Savasana. What are the Benefits? The intention of Savasana is to rejuvenate your mind, body and spirit.
How Should I Prepare for Savasana?
Give your Savasana the same attention you give to your other poses and notice the benefits. If you are consistent with your practice it will become easier as you add more minutes to your Savasana.